Archive for January, 2010

Possum had just come home from preschool — although I’m not sure you could call it that unless children start preparing for school when they are 18 months old. She’s been in the same place since that time, sometimes full-time (when Mommy has a job) sometimes just one or two days a week (when Mommy […]

I hate that song, actually, because the singer affects possibly the worst and most random English-like accent ever. I hate that. If you’re not Hugh-Laurie good don’t bother, that’s my opinion. But the title fits because for whatever reason I’m getting scads of hits, like FORTY a day! I know that’s chump change to a […]

It is not news to anyone who knows us that after 30 years of friendship and 13 years of marriage, I still have a wicked crush on my husband. I could go on and on about his many fine qualities: he’s honest, smart, funny, compassionate, a great cook, an artist, and he rocks a mean […]